
CBD Won't Make You High, but it Can Make You Happy 😊

CBD Won't Make You High, but it Can Make You Happy 😊

CBD seems to work in two ways. In addition to binding to certain cell receptors to help the body stay in balance, it also prevents the breakdown of a key compound called anandamide. Anandamide is a neurotransmitter produced in the body that is derived from arachidonic acid. Its name comes from the Sanskrit word ananda, which means "happiness, pleasure, joy and delight". (This is how it earned its nickname "molecule of bliss"). We all have an enzyme known as fatty acid amide hydrolase, or FAAH. Once anandamide enters a cell, FAAH begins to break it down. In other words, FAAH is a killjoy. The good news is that CBD interferes with FAAH's ability to break down anandamide, giving our own naturally produced happiness a longer lifespan. So while CBD is a safe, non-psychoactive component of cannabis that won't get you high, it can promote your body's natural ability to get high with life.

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