
Feelgood with Goodbuds

This is a feelgood blogpost today.
Its very important to feel good, for everybody. How, thats different for many although there are definatly some simularities between them. Some simular ones are the feel good for achieving something, feel good for health, feel good with friends, and some others feel good for succeeding in surviving life.
This feelgood is many times based on knowledge it could be different, much worse. That goes for your own wellbeing, but also for others. The mayority of people stick to knowlegde about their own feelgood, and prefer to forget about the rest. Feelgood for yourself is Goal Number One for many.
But not for everybody ! Because some people Do care and make the difference while they can as well. Doing it their own way, contributing to others or comunity. And One of them people is Marcellus Sabra from Detroit. Diffrencemaker for the onces that are not so lucky.
When Marcellus was still a kid, he was already smoking pot and selling weed at the streets of Detroit. His dream was to go legal on marihuana, and (to his suprise) after a few arrests for cannabis, weed did get legalised in some states of the USA. Till than he was succesfull in selling (illegal) weed so he decided to change this sales in legal sales, with the permission from autorities. But, not only to fill his pockets by his favourite hobby selling weed, but also to start a movement by effort, believe & marihuana under the name of Goodbuds Wellness center, to make Detroit a bit better for the ones not so lucky. By investing and organising funds for better infrastructure in the city, for the new & better schools and systems in these schools, create jobs, spread knowledge etc. Doing this by founding Goodbuds wellness center to create these possibilities to invest for other investors as well in this comunities. By investing you can become partner or get shares in the company. Internet and dispensary are used to create cash flow and jobs inside Detroit, in & outside the Marihuana world.
Mr Goodbuds is also spreading knowledge on all social media, talking and showing all the insights of growing weed, explained by Marcellus in his own tipical way and words. Easy to understand for the ones he was with before, his roots, on the steets of Detroit. So they can copy him and follow his example in becoming an independent succesor in the magic world of growing marihuana. Never forgot his past and  where he's from, changing lifes around him the better way.
I do hope others will follow his example and reach out to the ones who need it, only because you can.
Chapeau Marcellus, we at Everano Flower Power wish you and your comunity all the succes you can wish for.

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