
How much water do your plants need daily?

How do you know if a cannabis plant has enough water? Soil must contain moisture, completely dry soil that almost blows away is not good. It is also not good if your soil is a mud bath. Make sure you have a good middle ground, feel the soil and stick your finger 5 cm into the soil. This way you will know exactly how dry the soil is and if it is time to water your cannabis plant. If you poke your finger in and then you can effortlessly blow or rub the soil off your finger so that no more soil is visible on your finger, then your soil is too dry. The soil may be wet or moist that it sticks to your fingers when you touch it.
In case you are growing with pots it is advisable to elevator the pot a few centimeters to estimate the moisture content of your medium by the weight you feel. Too wet or dry soil (medium) is never good. When the soil is too wet there is no oxygen available for the roots and the plant will have trouble absorbing it. When the soil is too dry the plant will stagnate, deteriorate or even die.
So the plant and your medium need both water and oxygen. This can be achieved very easily by not keeping your medium at the same constant humidity. In other words, instead of watering every day do this every 2nd day. 1 day with water 1 day without water. This way your plant can absorb everything you give it and you have a good look at your ec and ph values in your medium. This is because when you have a regularity in your watering of every second day instead of every day, you can see from the humidity in your medium what your plant consumes! It's much simpler than you think: if your medium remains (too) moist after 2 days, the EC is too high and your ph goes up. Give less nutrients and the same amount of water and you will see that the water uptake will strongly improve. If your medium is dry after 2 days, give more nutrient, the EC is low and your plants are slurping water looking for nutrients. Give more nutrition with the same amount of water and your plants will give you all they can!
This applies to plants after they have passed the 1st stage of clone or seedling. In this 1st stage it is good to keep them constantly moist.
Weed plants are very sensitive to regularity in when and how much water they get. If you have watered several times with the same amount of water, the plant will adapt to that. She develops an expectation pattern (of you). Therefore try to stick to the regularity of when you water and how much.
A standard of how much water your marijuana plant needs depends very much on the variety of plant and on your growing location, in a warm or cold, dry or wet climate, indoors or outdoors. There is not really a rule, in southern Europe outside sometimes 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day is given per adult plant while the same plant in northern Europe only needs half a liter of water per day. When growing weed indoors it is more convenient to use water per square meter instead of per plant, especially when growing on soil/ coco without pots, in larger areas. This is because the consumption of water per meter remains almost the same even if you increase or decrease the number of plants, for example 5 or 8 plants per meter or 16 per meter. Stage of plant is of greater influence on water consumption when growing indoors. Under normal and average conditions 7 to 10 liters of water per day per square metre (or per lamp) is quite normal for rooms with 10 or more lamps, and plants in the flowering phase.
Your plant will always try to adapt to your watering habits. Regularity in what you give and how much you give is therefore very important.

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