1 Kg = 1000 Ltr
Everano Flower Power Bloom is a solid (powder) fertilizer designed for your plants’ flowering period, to add to your water. Your plants will grow more flowers of better quality.
Everano Flower Power Bloom is a solid (powder fertilizer made to give your plants whatever they need during the flowering period. This fertilizer is easy for your plants to absorb, and from the first dose you’ll already be able to see an increase in flower production, with thicker and more professional looking flowers.
It contains large amounts of NPK, 15-6-30+Mg+Micro, offering your plants everything they need to thrive. It contains 15% nitrogen N in order to keep the new leaves healthy, 6% phosphorus P to give the flowers a push in the right direction, and 30% potassium K, which is what makes the buds grow properly and healthy.
Dosage and how to use Everano Flower Power Bloom:
• It can be used in all growing mediums; coco, hydroponics, soil or a mix of these.
• Start using when your plants are about to begin the flowering stage (first hairs appear). Alternate with just water.
• Add 1g/L, keeping this dosage up during the entire flowering period in soil. For hydroponics, use 1.2g/L.
Bloom (Flowering) from Everano Flower Power is a highly soluble powder fertilizer for the flowering phase that will provide your plants with all the macronutrients and trace elements necessary during bud formation and fattening phase.
Everano Flower Power Bloom is a fertilizer powerful and fast-acting that also contains large amounts of phosphorus to ensure a great structure of the buds , the exact amount of nitrogen to improve the growth and vigor of the plant, Potassium for flower & health and many trace elements that give your plants everything they need during flowering.
Before flowering:
Everano Flower Power's Bloom fertilizer contains all 3 basic macronutrients to improve the structure of the plants & buds and make more flowers appear.
It is recommended to start using Bloom fertilizer when the plants are beginning to form flowers, this will ensure that the plant has a lot of phosphorus at its disposal when flowering begins.
During flowering:
Plants without phosphorus cannot flower, as phosphorus plays an essential role in many essential vital functions of the plant. By applying Everano Flower Power Bloom during the flowering phase you will be able to improve the creation of new buds and enlarge their structure.
Valid for Any cultivation method such as hydroponics, soil, coco, or a mix of them!
With Everano Flower Power Bloom fertilizer you will provide your plants with all the nutrients and trace elements necessary for abundant flowering without deficiencies. You can buy it now at a very cheap price and you will receive it at a pick up box near or at your home with fast and discreet shipping and gift (click here for latest info).