
Shipping and return policy

Fast, discrete and save delivery is a very important factor for you as a client and for us to supply the best delivery service possible. We achieve this by discreet packaging, dynamic choice of reliable transporters worldwide and guaranteed delivery to your shipping adress. You are the only one who knows whats inside your package. We will notify you by email the moment your shipment is leaving our warehouse and the courrier service will send you an email with the track and trace of your package.

We send to most counties worldwide and the average delivery time is 3 to 5 working days. All orders leave Everano Flower Power within 24 hours after payment.

As from march 2024  Everano started to do all deliveries in Europe by courrier service that deliver to lockers just next to where you have your delivery adress. Take a look here : .This way you never have to wait at home to receive your package and it will make delivery more anonimous, no person or company will come to your private adress to deliver, you just pick up your order around the corner at a time thats convenient for you. All this, and your shipment will be delivered with the speed of courrier service at Everano ! All you have to do is place your order and we take care of the rest. After placing your order you will receive an email with the code to open locker, the adress of the parcel locker near you, and the day of delivery.


Orders will be shipped worldwide in business days as soon as payment has been received. Shipping time, we can only give an estimated shipping time.


We ship to almost every country in the world, however, this does not necessarily mean that we can ship to yours. If in doubt, it is best to check with us before shipping your order.
Please note that due to inconsistencies and contradictions of local legislation, we always prefer to operate with caution. But as rules sometimes change, we would appreciate it if you would contact us if you feel that we are unfairly refusing to ship to your country and provide us with supporting info.

We do use courrier services to ensure fast deliveries worldwide, this means the average delivery time is between 3-5 working days. Prices of transport are set by country per shipment. This means the price for transport is always the same, no matter how much content the order has. You can find our rates here:  

