

Marihuana leafs tell you exactly how she feels Part 7
Marihuana leafs tell you exactly how she feels Part 7

Do you see rusty spots on your plant's leafs? Read here below what this could be.

Five Golden Advices to Harvest at the Perfect Moment !
Five Golden Advices to Harvest at the Perfect Moment !

How do you know when to harvest cannabis? There are several methods available, varying in their accuracy. Cultivating cannabis flowers, they have a peak period during which they are at their absolute highest potency. For most growers, this is the time to harvest! For others it can be to get the most weight of buds. And some growers their goal is both of these. Read more below

Listening to your plants, they do talk in sounds!
Listening to your plants, they do talk in sounds!

Plants make sounds and comunicate. Do they? Yes plants make sounds!

How to prepare a waterdeposit with fertilizers 10 Golden Tips
How to prepare a waterdeposit with fertilizers 10 Golden Tips

Most fertilizers are meant to be mixed with water in a waterdeposit before fertilization. To do this correct a few suggestions can be given. Read the following 10 Golden Tips to prepare your own deposit for your plants and Flowers!

What is Fusarium ?
What is Fusarium ?

The presence of Fusarium fungi in cannabis is a sign of a disaster to come if not take action: infection by this pathogen can kill parts of your plants as buds, branches, stimms, leaves, or the entire plant in a matter of hours or days. Although the losses caused by this fungus can be enormous, there are several ways to prevent and combat it.

Why Molassess can be a big help for your plants
Why Molassess can be a big help for your plants

Molasses explained

Organic Farming with Compost Tea
Organic Farming with Compost Tea

How to make Organic Compost Tea explained

Gratis Solar Drip Irrigation System using botlles for dry areas
Gratis Solar Drip Irrigation System using botlles for dry areas

It is estimated that solar irrigation can reduce irrigation water needs by up to 10 times compared to other traditional irrigation systems. The water it produces is very clean. Knowing the great problems that many countries have in obtaining fresh water, even though there are already very effective ...

Marihuana leafs tell you exactly how she feels Part 6
Marihuana leafs tell you exactly how she feels Part 6

As we all know the basic of a marihuana leaf shows 5 fingers on allmost all images you see. This is the basic of how it at least should be.
But there are many other varieties possible. Key rule is more as 5 fingers is better, less as 5 fingers on a marihuana leaf is a problem. This differences all ...

What size air extractor is needed growing marihuana succesfull indoor or in grow tents in a simple explanation
What size air extractor is needed growing marihuana succesfull indoor or in grow tents in a simple explanation

Most materials needed to grow indoors are pretty simple to know your needs or wishes, but extractors seemed to be a point of discussion always.
The reason for that is simple; most explanations just think about one aspekt of the extractor which is move air. But if you think about it a bit more you r...
