Growing cannabis outdoors is the most natural and least expensive way to grow cannabis. All you need is a plot of land, sunlight, some good soil and everano Flower Power Fertilizers! Plants grown outdoors with natural sunlight and our fertilizers will grow to their full genetic potential and will have a full and natural terpene profile. Take a look at our Fertilizer Kits for outdoor growing, it covers all the needs of our marijuana outdoors. Effective, practical, economical and discreet, available in 4 sizes.
Everano Flower Power Fertilizer Kit for Growing Outdoor XL Pro de Luxe Basic Line 500 gr / 17.6 oz Start, 1000 gr / 35.3 oz Grow, 1000 gr / 35.3 oz Bloom, 100 gr / 3.53 oz Boost, 50 gr / 1.76 oz Foliar
Everano Flower Power Fertilizer Kit for Interior Gardens XL Pro Basic Line 50gr/1.764oz Start (to make 100ltr), 100gr/3.53oz Grow (to make 100ltr) , 1000gr/35.27oz Bloom (to make 1000ltr), 100gr/3.53oz Boost (to make 500ltr)
Everano Flower Power Fertilizer Kit for Interior Gardens XL Pro de Luxe Basic Line 50gr/1.764oz Start (to make 100ltr), 100gr/3.53oz Grow (to make 100ltr), 1000gr/35.27oz Bloom (to make 1000ltr), 100gr/3.53oz Boost (to make 500ltr), 50gr/1.764oz Foliar
Everano Flower Power Mini Fertilizer Kit for Indoor & outdoor Gardens Start - 50gr (to make 100ltr)/ 1.76 oz Grow - 100gr (to make 100ltr) / 3.52 oz Bloom - 100gr (to make 100ltr) / 3.52 oz Boost - 10gr / 0.35 oz (to make 50ltr)