
Blog posts tagged with 'foxtails'

Marihuana leafs tell you exactly how she feels Part 5
Marihuana leafs tell you exactly how she feels  Part 5

The availability of light and the intensitiy and color of this light, is essentiial for the development and health of your plants and for that reason directly influences the succes of your marihuana Crop.
Indoors in gardens and tents, we use lights for our cultivations of weed, mostly led, lec or h...

Foxtails, the crazy spiral tips that can be on top of your marihuana buds.
Foxtails, the crazy spiral tips that can be on top of your marihuana buds.

Foxtails are a phenomenon where the buds of a cannabis plant exhibit abnormal spirals or tips. Read on for an explanation of foxtails, what causes them, and how they affect your harvest as a whole.

Whether you're an inexperienced grower or a veteran, you've probably heard of foxtails. But what exac...
