
Recycle Organic Fertilizer Kit

Everano Flower Power Organic Fertilizer Kit Recycle 1kg/35.27oz Organic Upgrade, 100gr/3.53oz Lava Gold, 100gr/3.53oz Clay Minerals, 100gr/3.53oz Seaweed Calcium, 50gr/ 1.76oz Soil Bacteria
Manufacturer: Everano Flower Power
$65.94 incl tax
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Delivery date: 3-5 días

No more need of buying and carrying plastic bags of new soil while you can RECYCLE your used soil with this Biological Fertilizer Kit.
Healthy soil is important for growing strong, vigorous plants that resist pests and diseases and produce abundantly.
Soil is alive and made up of many parts, including mineral particles, water, air, and microorganisms. The balance between these parts is what needs to be sustained for healthy soil.
Just like all living things, soil needs to be fed in order to provide a nourishing environment to grow your plants.

RECYCLE KIT contains:

Soil bacteria are the start of the soil food web.

Designed to enrich the soil and provide an optimal growing medium for your plants.

All minerals and trace elements, essential for good development.

Slow source of calcium has a antacid effect to keep the pH value in balance.

These clay granules play an important role in soil fertility and can efficiently regulate the moisture in the soil.


After harvestng pull out roots by pulling the stimm out of the soil.  Check by hand and visual for remaims of roots and remove them also. Make sure your soil gets airy by scooping all soil through your hands and fingers. Mix all ingredients through the top layer of soil (approx 10-20 cm/4-8 inch) and sprinkle with water from above until its moist. Its important to keep soil airy, so better dont press or making it too wet. Your soil is ready now to put in the new clones or seedlings. To be used for 2 square mtr/  22 square feet

No more need of buying and carrying plastic bags of new soil while you can RECYCLE your used soil with this Biological Fertilizer Kit.
Healthy soil is important for growing strong, vigorous plants that resist pests and diseases and produce abundantly.
Soil is alive and made up of many parts, including mineral particles, water, air, and microorganisms. The balance between these parts is what needs to be sustained for healthy soil.
Just like all living things, soil needs to be fed in order to provide a nourishing environment to grow your plants.

RECYCLE KIT contains:

Soil bacteria are the start of the soil food web.

Designed to enrich the soil and provide an optimal growing medium for your plants.

All minerals and trace elements, essential for good development.

Slow source of calcium has a antacid effect to keep the pH value in balance.

These clay granules play an important role in soil fertility and can efficiently regulate the moisture in the soil.


After harvestng pull out roots by pulling the stimm out of the soil.  Check by hand and visual for remaims of roots and remove them also. Make sure your soil gets airy by scooping all soil through your hands and fingers. Mix all ingredients through the top layer of soil (approx 10-20 cm/4-8 inch) and sprinkle with water from above until its moist. Its important to keep soil airy, so better dont press or making it too wet. Your soil is ready now to put in the new clones or seedlings. To be used for 2 square mtr/  22 square feet
