
Blog posts tagged with 'cbd'

Why do Cannabis Plants produce THC or CBD ? Part 2
Why do Cannabis Plants produce THC or CBD ? Part 2

In the photo above you will find some terpenes and cannabinoids. Their functions for the plants are:

Alpha pinene  Insecticide

Beta mycrene Against Pests

Delta 9 Thc protection UV-B radiation, Anti-oxidant

Cannabisin D protection against UV-C radiation

Cannaflavin A insecticide 


Why do Cannabis Plants produce THC or CBD? Part 1
Why do Cannabis Plants produce THC or CBD? Part 1

THC makes us feel nicely stoned. Weed smells and tastes great thanks to the large amount of flavorings, and CBD relieves a variety of symptoms. But a cannabis plant produces all these substances not for us, but for itself. Each cannabinoid or terpene has a function for the plant itself, and you as a...

CBD Won't Make You High, but it Can Make You Happy 😊
CBD Won't Make You High, but it Can Make You Happy 😊

CBD seems to work in two ways. In addition to binding to certain cell receptors to help the body stay in balance, it also prevents the breakdown of a key compound called anandamide. Anandamide is a neurotransmitter produced in the body that is derived from arachidonic acid. Its name comes from the S...
