
Blog posts tagged with 'eco friendly farming'

How to get rid of insekts without pesticides Part 1
How to get rid of insekts without pesticides Part 1

We at Everano Flower PowerFertilizers believe that pesticides are not needed. But Pests do exist and can be a real treath to your crop, even destroy everything you worked so hard for, but only because of lack of knowledge, shortage of ideas or lazyness make people to use harmfull pesticides.
We like to change this, globally, and that is why we will show you many other ways to beat insekts, fungy you dont want, or animals that can destroy your crops. To stimulate and bring new ways of thinking in cultivating Cannabis.
Today we start with an extremely simple idea a farmer in Australia had, with big succes!
Read his succes story in article we used from abc news australia. Lets get Insipired !
Feel free to supply us with more ideas, and we will publish at this blog!
Click on photo to read the uplifting article
