
Desert XL Organic Fertilizer Kit

Everano Flower Power Organic Fertilizer Kit Desert XL 5kg/176.37oz Organic Upgrade, 5kg/176.37oz Allmix Flowering Period, 500gr/17.64oz Lava Gold, 250gr/8.82oz Soil Bacteria, 500gr/17.64oz Endo Mycorrhiza, 500gr/17.64oz Clay Minerals
Manufacturer: Everano Flower Power
$324.50 incl tax
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Delivery date: 3-5 días

All you need to grow marihuana at extremely poor grounds you will find in Everano Flower Power Biological Fertilizer Kit Desert XL
The word desertification leads us to imagine endless deserts in Africa, but in reality it is about the transformation of fertile lands into arid ones, either due to human or indirect factors such as climate change. The selection of biological fertilizers and bio-amendments of our DESERT KIT improves soil structure, texture and aeration increasing the soils water retention abilities and stimulating healthy growth development.


ALLMIX ORGANIC UPGRADING boosts soil health amending the organic material in soil with guano and bonemeal. Added soil bacteria help convert waste material into absorbable nutrients. Includes seaweeds improving the quality of the soil

ENDO-MYCORRHIZA and SOIL BACTERIA are two products based on beneficial microorganisms (Bacteria and Fungi), which live associated or in symbiosis with plants and help their natural nutrition process, as well as being soil regenerators.

ALLMIX FLOWERING PERIOD slow-acting fertilizer containing potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur and other trace elements. As well as various algae to help keep the pH value in balance.

LAVA GOLD all minerals and trace elements, essential for good development.

CLAY MINERALS granules play an important role in soil fertility and can efficiently regulate the moisture in the soil.

Everything you need to grow at extremely poor grounds or substrates to make your Cannabisplants giving you what you hope for you will find in our Organic Desert Kit Xl. Most Ingredients are slow release which causes your grounds will keep on delivering nutrients for around 2 cycles!

Feeding schedule:

The very best will be if you can mix this set of fertilizers (exept Mycorrhiza) in autumm or winter to put your plants into the soil the following spring. This way the ingredients have time to develop new life in your poor grounds by bacterias and will be ready to release their nutrients at the moments needed. This set is made for approximatly 10 square meters/ 108 square feet. Mix the fertilizers through the top layer of your soil (20 cm  / 8 inch will do) and sprinkle some water after doing this untill its moist. 

When your clones or seeds arrive make a little hole where you want to put your clone, hold your clone just above it and sprinkle 1 gram/ 0.035 oz of Mycorrhiza over the rootball. Anything that is not sticking to the rootball will fall exactly at the place where you want it, in the rootball hole to make contact with the roots. If you dont use clones but seeds, sprinkle the hole with Mycorrhiza where you put the seeds to ensure the roots will make contact with the mycorrhiza from the start.

All you need to grow marihuana at extremely poor grounds you will find in Everano Flower Power Biological Fertilizer Kit Desert XL
The word desertification leads us to imagine endless deserts in Africa, but in reality it is about the transformation of fertile lands into arid ones, either due to human or indirect factors such as climate change. The selection of biological fertilizers and bio-amendments of our DESERT KIT improves soil structure, texture and aeration increasing the soils water retention abilities and stimulating healthy growth development.


ALLMIX ORGANIC UPGRADING boosts soil health amending the organic material in soil with guano and bonemeal. Added soil bacteria help convert waste material into absorbable nutrients. Includes seaweeds improving the quality of the soil

ENDO-MYCORRHIZA and SOIL BACTERIA are two products based on beneficial microorganisms (Bacteria and Fungi), which live associated or in symbiosis with plants and help their natural nutrition process, as well as being soil regenerators.

ALLMIX FLOWERING PERIOD slow-acting fertilizer containing potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur and other trace elements. As well as various algae to help keep the pH value in balance.

LAVA GOLD all minerals and trace elements, essential for good development.

CLAY MINERALS granules play an important role in soil fertility and can efficiently regulate the moisture in the soil.

Everything you need to grow at extremely poor grounds or substrates to make your Cannabisplants giving you what you hope for you will find in our Organic Desert Kit Xl. Most Ingredients are slow release which causes your grounds will keep on delivering nutrients for around 2 cycles!

Feeding schedule:

The very best will be if you can mix this set of fertilizers (exept Mycorrhiza) in autumm or winter to put your plants into the soil the following spring. This way the ingredients have time to develop new life in your poor grounds by bacterias and will be ready to release their nutrients at the moments needed. This set is made for approximatly 10 square meters/ 108 square feet. Mix the fertilizers through the top layer of your soil (20 cm  / 8 inch will do) and sprinkle some water after doing this untill its moist. 

When your clones or seeds arrive make a little hole where you want to put your clone, hold your clone just above it and sprinkle 1 gram/ 0.035 oz of Mycorrhiza over the rootball. Anything that is not sticking to the rootball will fall exactly at the place where you want it, in the rootball hole to make contact with the roots. If you dont use clones but seeds, sprinkle the hole with Mycorrhiza where you put the seeds to ensure the roots will make contact with the mycorrhiza from the start.
