
Autoflowers Pro XL Organic Fertilizer Kit

Everano Flower Power Organic Fertilizer Kit for Autoflowers Pro 100gr / 3.53oz Endo-Mycorrhiza, 100gr / 3.53oz Seabird Guano, 50gr / 1.76oz Soil Bacteria, 500gr / 17.6oz Lava Gold, 1000gr / 35.3oz Bio pk Booster, 1000gr / 35.3oz Bio Humus
Manufacturer: Everano Flower Power
$106.76 incl tax
$98.94 incl tax
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Delivery date: 3-5 días

Everano Flower Power Organic Fertilizer Kit for Autoflowers is the best and most effective way to cultivate automatic flowering plants. Everything your plants need in their short autoflowering life will be available at the right times to produce large yields with autoflower plants.

It is essential with Autoflowers to obtain large and Healthy Roots quikly,  and the Mycorrhiza will take care of that! To have the maximum of organic minerals added to your soil the Lava Gold is included, 80 minerals at once. To make the minerals available for the plant the Soil Bacteria is in charge. With our Everano Autoflower Kit Pro the Bio Humus into this Kit will give this Organic combination an Explosion of Life and directly Available Nutrients in your soil or substrate!  The Seabird Guano will provide a very balanced nutrient start for your small plants to Grow and Develop. The Bio pk Booster will finish with generating many Big Buds full of Resin. All Ingredients Available to have a Succesfull Harvest growing Healthy Autoflowers!   
Mix 100gr / 5.3oz Lava Gold, 50gr / 1.8oz Seabird Guano and 50 gr / 1.8oz Soil Bacteria, 400gr / 14.1oz with the top layer of the soil used for aprox 1 mtr2 / 10.8sq.ft.
Use 1 gr / 0.04oz of the Endo Mycorrhiza to spread into the hole you made for seed or rootball from pot. This way youre sure the roots will make comtact with the Micorrhiza and will give your plantroots a Jumpstart. It is essential to have good developed roots on your autoflowers to have a good result at the end!
As from moment your small aitoflower plants deliver 5 fingers on a leaf you can add one spoon of Bio pk Booster per plant weekly to the soil around the stimm plant.
This Everano Flower power Organic Fertilizer Kit for Autoflowering Plants can be used for interior gardens, greenhouses and outdoors.


100gr / 3.53oz Endo-Mycorrhiza, 100gr / 3.53oz Seabird Guano, 50gr / 1.76oz Soil Bacteria, 500gr / 17.6oz Lava Gold, 1000gr / 35.3oz Bio pk Booster, 1000gr / 35.3oz Bio Humus

Everano Flower Power Organic Fertilizer Kit for Autoflowers is the best and most effective way to cultivate automatic flowering plants. Everything your plants need in their short autoflowering life will be available at the right times to produce large yields with autoflower plants.

It is essential with Autoflowers to obtain large and Healthy Roots quikly,  and the Mycorrhiza will take care of that! To have the maximum of organic minerals added to your soil the Lava Gold is included, 80 minerals at once. To make the minerals available for the plant the Soil Bacteria is in charge. With our Everano Autoflower Kit Pro the Bio Humus into this Kit will give this Organic combination an Explosion of Life and directly Available Nutrients in your soil or substrate!  The Seabird Guano will provide a very balanced nutrient start for your small plants to Grow and Develop. The Bio pk Booster will finish with generating many Big Buds full of Resin. All Ingredients Available to have a Succesfull Harvest growing Healthy Autoflowers!   
Mix 100gr / 5.3oz Lava Gold, 50gr / 1.8oz Seabird Guano and 50 gr / 1.8oz Soil Bacteria, 400gr / 14.1oz with the top layer of the soil used for aprox 1 mtr2 / 10.8sq.ft.
Use 1 gr / 0.04oz of the Endo Mycorrhiza to spread into the hole you made for seed or rootball from pot. This way youre sure the roots will make comtact with the Micorrhiza and will give your plantroots a Jumpstart. It is essential to have good developed roots on your autoflowers to have a good result at the end!
As from moment your small aitoflower plants deliver 5 fingers on a leaf you can add one spoon of Bio pk Booster per plant weekly to the soil around the stimm plant.
This Everano Flower power Organic Fertilizer Kit for Autoflowering Plants can be used for interior gardens, greenhouses and outdoors.


100gr / 3.53oz Endo-Mycorrhiza, 100gr / 3.53oz Seabird Guano, 50gr / 1.76oz Soil Bacteria, 500gr / 17.6oz Lava Gold, 1000gr / 35.3oz Bio pk Booster, 1000gr / 35.3oz Bio Humus
