
Marihuana leafs tell you exactly how she feels Part 3

Marihuana leafs tell you exactly how she feels Part 3

When a plant is too hot it will let you know. When she grows too close to the lamp you can see burning in the buds, that's logical. But when a cannabis plant is a bit too hot you can see this in the buds. They will not develop properly and especially not become compact because of the heat. So if you always have airy buds, then arrange an extra exhaust fan so that the temperature stays below 28 degrees.
Another sign of a too hot growing space are taco leaves as you can see in the picture above. If it is too cold in your grow space then the cannabis plant will let you know this too. By a slowdown in growth that is. This is often accompanied by mold problems and these plants also have too wet feet because they can hardly absorb moisture due to the cold. A plant that does not advance is most likely too cold. Try to get the temperature a little higher, for example by using an extra heater. Do not let it get too cold at night either, try to keep the difference between day and night temperatures below 10 degrees.

These are just a few examples of how a cannabis plant communicates with you, but the most common problems. There are also more complex deficiencies or surpluses but these signs to the plant will get you a long way

Part 4

Part 2

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