
Marihuana leafs tell you exactly how she feels Part 4

Marihuana leafs tell you exactly how she feels Part 4

Leaves that turn yellow usually indicate that something is wrong with your cannabis plant. This can have several causes, ranging from diseases and pests to nutrient problems. However, keep in mind that some yellow leaves are normal in the last weeks of flowering. Only at that stage do you need not worry about it.


If you fertilize too much, cannabis leaves will also turn yellow and or brown. Fortunately this problem is easy to recognize. This is because the leaves will first turn brown only at the tips of the leaf, and only then will the edges turn yellow or brown. This is a typical signal of nutrient burn at the roots. Only in the later stages of over-fertilization does the entire leaf turn yellow and/or brown.
Also if you spoil your cannabis plant with too much fertilizer it will call you to order. Therefore pay close attention to the leaf tips. When you overfeed a cannabis plant it will make this clear through the tips of its leaves. The leaves are also usually a deep dark green due to the high amount of nitrogen in the nutrient. The leaf tips will first begin to yellow, and if it takes longer they will dry out. If you don't do anything about it, the withered part will continue to expand. So pay close attention to those little leaf tips and reduce the amount of plant nutrition.

The reverse is also possible of course: a starving plant. It lets you know that it needs a little more fertilizer by turning its leaves lighter in color. Often this is a nitrogen deficiency and you will see that the lower leaves are the first to yellow. If you have a dull green plant, give it more plant food!

A nutrient deficiency, particularly a lack of nitrogen, is one of the most common causes of yellow leaves. If the substrate or soil does not contain enough nutrients, the plant will extract them from the leaves. This causes them to turn yellow.

A nutrient deficiency does not immediately mean that your plants are not getting enough nutrition. Often such a deficiency is also caused by an incorrect pH of the water or even by too much fertilizer. If the plant has no access to nutrients, while they are in the soil or substrate, the roots cannot absorb what they should.

Link to next blog : part 5

Link to previous blog : part 3

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